Join the fun on Friday evening as we tour participating downtown food and drink merchants to sample unique food and drink menu items. The fun continues on Saturday with an exciting Sidewalk Sale for visitors to our beloved Historic Downtown Hartselle Business District AND a "Dog Daze of Summer" Dog Parade at 9:00 AM, presented by Newman Veterinary Research Hospital!
Award Categories:
Best Costume (for Dog)
Best Costume Duo (for Dog and Owner)
Star of the Show
Best Smile
Best Behaved
Longest Ears
Shortest Ears
Most Original Name
Parade Route:

"Summer Daze" Dog Daze of Summer Para...
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 20, 2024
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Downtown Hartselle
$15 Parade Entry Fee (Per Dog)
Free Vendor Booths! ($20 for booths requiring electricity)